In starting FERAL FLAIR, I had a mind to dare create what has never been before. This is why I myself design the pictures on fabric to create new styles. And what's more, they're not drawings planned to become clothes as such, but in the way I fully use the 1130mm width of fabric, I draw as if to create contemporary art on a canvas without thinking of the next process. However it can be quite an adventure. The process of making clothes includes the cutting and sewing. Though the drawings maybe finished for a great piece, the clothes do not necessarily follow. Sometimes the balance between the elements don't lead to anything special but in others they come together to take their own direction . And as irony would have it, in making clothes, I sometimes have a feeling that the higher the degree of completion in the drawing, the higher the hurdle is raised. But when we started our own brand, in this age, saturated with so many things and clothes, I decided to do what the others had never done and what only FERAL FLAIR can do . In this age, where only results seem valued much more than the process, we know that we need a commercial outlook. We provide our customers with the appearance of completion, but by telling you our story from the other side, I hope your life becomes a little richer. We launch our website with this thought. And we wish it so.
