THE GOD OF WIND, 2015a/w

THE GOD OF WIND, 2015a/w, 1150mm x 648mm(repeat), inkjet print on wool/nylon etamine

The check pattern can be compared to everlastingly straightforward highways.

Uncolored, unformed, unlimited, and invisible power.

"If she still has the same innocent mind as in her childhood, if she can be absorbed in something on her everlastingly straightforward highway, it’s sure that her dream will come true when the mimosa blooms.” 「the words of "when the mimosa blooms" a song written by Yasushi Sasamoto, Kazuko Sasamoto & Banana ice 」



素直な気持ちは今も あの頃と同じなら どこまでも続くこの道 何かに夢中になれたなら
きっと夢は叶うだろう ミモザの咲く頃に
「 "when the mimosa blooms” written by Yasushi Sasamoto, Kazuko Sasamoto & Banana ice 」