ADOLESCENCE (EARLY SUMMER), 2025s/s,1350mm X 867mm (repeat), inkjet print on lyocell/linen twill.
Second Love…early summer, summer love, wind orchid, a world without color, an absurd world, an invisible future, and a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world. Fifteen nights, a girl's black hair,the straight determination in her dark eyes, the pure, unadulterated armor, perfect and consistent, a world that begins to hatch. New Values, red lightning, sprite, circle of light, Elves, distant lightning,trigger of lightning, provocative,chasm, mutation, resilience, hatching. Night Rainbow, bittersweet, a thought that will never change, no matter what the world becomes. The wandering moon, the key that opens your heart, the keyboard that played so fiercely at that time, an anthem, the promise we made then, reincarnation, what we got and what we lost. The shifting air, twilight, distorted space, a church with a sharply angled roof, elysian, The Catcher in the Rye, a sweet and dangerous scent. Chrysanthemums dance, plums overflow, camellias fall. "What do you do with your talent?”, something in your heart that you can become so absorbed in that you are swept away by it, I think of you in the starry sky. A sudden downpour on the pavement, a fleeting but lovely eternal moment. Thunderstorms signal the end of summer, late summer.
“Just as there is no lining to a single garment of Quercus acutissima,
Her heart is pure,
I guess that makes me miss her even more….” (Manyoshu)
セカンドラヴ、初夏、夏恋、風蘭、色のない世界、不条理な世界、見えない未来、変動的で不確実 複雑で曖昧な世界、15の夜、少女の黒髪、黒い瞳の中の真っ直ぐな決意、純粋無垢な鎧、完全で無矛盾、孵化し始める世界、新しい価値観、赤い雷、スプライト 妖精、光の輪 エルブス、遠雷、雷のトリガー、Provocative 挑発的、キャズム、ミューテーション、レジリエンス 復活力、孵化、Moonshine 夜虹 月虹、切ない思い、たとえどんな世界になろうとも変わらぬ想い、さまよえる月、君の心を開く鍵、あの時激しく弾けた鍵盤、アンセム、あの時交わした約束、リインカネーション、手に入れたものと失ったもの、揺れる空気、黄昏、歪む空間、鋭角の屋根の教会、エリュシオン 楽園、キャッチャー イン ザ ライ、甘く危険な香り、菊は舞い 梅は溢れ 椿は落ちる、「あなたはその才能を何に使うの?」突き動かされるほどに夢中になれるものが心の中にあること、たゆたう星空に想いを馳せる、突然の土砂降りの舗道、儚くもいとおしい永遠の瞬間、夏の終わりを告げる雷鳴、晩夏。
橡(つるばみ)の一重の衣、 うらもなく あるらむ子ゆゑ、 恋ひわたるかも (万葉集)