This January, we launched our second brand, FERAL FLAIR VISIONAIRE. In the FERAL FLAIR VISIONAIRE brand, we try to strip away as much decoration as possible, to represent our principal axis and core design ideas as purely as possible. One of the reasons we launched was that I found myself wondering exactly what the core of FERAL FLAIR was.

The act of designing is a very natural action for designers and I believe that the designer's good faith is built into the action. But, looking at the matter from another angle, I think that designing is also an act that can conceal the essence and core of a designer’s brand. In fact, in a sense I believe that we can vaguely cheat the brand of its core values during the process of designing. I used to think that piling up the designs did justice to the garments, and that goods which had less design reflected the laziness of the designer. I also felt that I could not easily say this…which somehow validated my point of view. If a brand creates real, valuable goods and maintains its principles; if the things it creates can be stripped of decoration and design; what would be left is a reliable attitude of creation, followed by respectable work. That’s when we can get closer to the essence of real creation, with even less design. I guess that if we can make a featureless shirt, we can also make a special one, one with an unusual aura.

And the direction that FERAL FLAIR VISIONAIRE wants to take is not one in which simple things are created by not doing anything, but one in which things only become simple after a full design process, or after being stripped their decoration.

In reconsidering which direction FERAL FLAIR wants to take, we don't want to pile up a lot of designs on clothing or make any design-y items, but we do want to make a really good item. I believe that a really good item isn't unrelated to whether an item has a lot of design or less design.

Once, a young musician, when he was just starting out, broadly shouted out, "love & sex are cool.” He easily shouted out the words "I love you,” without hesitation. But, after his long period of creative activity, he realized that there were different kinds of "I love you’s” to say.

There was the "I love you" that was the result of his impetus and passion at first sight. They fell in love, they got together, but then they parted. They experienced different loves, but couldn't erase their memories of one another. A long time went by, and then there was the “I love you" that he finally said after many experiences and regrets.

The clothes of FERAL FLAIR VISIONAIRE want to go toward the kind of simple beauty that finally develops after having gone through a lot of designing and trial and error. In fact, like the musician and his love getting back together after a long length of time, we want to represent the kind of simplicity that appears as a matter of course.

Isshi Kanamaru 3. 2014

今年1月、フィラルフレア第二番目のブランド、フィラルフレア ヴィジョネアをスタートさせました。フィラルフレア ヴィジョネアとは本体のコレクションラインとは異なり装飾を出来るだけ剥ぎ取り、ブランドの主軸や核となる部分を出来る限り無垢な状態で表現しようと試みるブランドです。何故そのような試みをスタートさせたかと云うと、理由の一つとして、自分自身の中でふとフィラルフレアの核とは一体何なのだろうと思ったのがきっかけでした。


そしてフィラルフレア ヴィジョネアが進みたい方向にあるものは、何もされていないシンプルさではなく、様々なデザインを通り越し、またはデザインが剥ぎ取られた後にくるシンプルさ、なのです。




フィラルフレア ヴィジョネアの洋服達も沢山の試行錯誤やデザインを通り越し、やがてもとのさやに収まるかのように、自ずと、自然に辿り着いたシンプルさを表現したいのです。
